Hi blog. Today, me and my partner did some revisions, reediting, and Publishing on you tube. The first thing that we did was to revise our work. We went back first to our website. It had no problems, and it didn't loose any of its data. The next thing we did was To revise the movie. We didn't revise our social media accounts, because we did that yesterday, while we were changing the profile pic. When we were revising the movie we realized something. 2 scenes were out of order in the movie. Me and my partner were super surprised when we realized it. We had no clue how we just passed over that when we were editing. It was a walking away scene and talking scene. It was switched where the main character walks away before he even starts talking. We quickly switched the scenes around, so they are now in a correct order. After that, we did another revision over the movie just to be safe. After that, it was time to publish to You tube. We got ready to publish it on my partners computer, but during mid-publishing, his internet went out. I had to wait for him, because he had the fixed movie downloaded, and I didn't, so I couldn't publish it on my own. After that dilemma, when he finally got his internet back, we could finally publish our work. Today, we didn't have that much work at all to do, but we did what was needed.
-Here's me and my partner arguing over facetime because were idiots.
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