Friday, April 24, 2020

Practice T.E.A. essay

This is a practice T.E.A. essay on a game of thrones clip:

   In this extract, there is an underlying theme. The theme in my opinion us rightfulness and seriousness. In the extract, we follow 2 characters that have come to prove one of the twos rightfulness to the crown. They had to argue with a council and show their worth. This is why I think that rightfulness is the main theme because that is the main subject matter.

   To prove this, I will be showing it in each of the scenes. The first one is the smallest scene out of the two, which is the boat ride. This scene is only about 45 seconds, the smaller of the two but still brings its ideas to the table. One of the first aspect you can see in this scene is the lighting. In this scene the lighting is gloomy, and a little dull.  The lighting is like this because with this gloomy lighting, it gives a not happy, or sad tone, but a serious tone, which will be in full affect in the next scene. The next aspect of this scene is the Music. The music has again a serious tone same with the feel of the lighting. This again show the seriousness and importance of this scene and the next. To continue on, the camera angle that is used is a Mid and Arial shot. The mid shot is used to show the two main characters of this scenes emotions about this upcoming moment, and their anticipation. The Arial shot however has its own importance. The Arial shot is used to show how small the boat is compared to the grand city ahead and the giant statue. This camera angle doesn’t really have an importance of the underlying theme but is used as the exposition shot, so the viewer can know where the two characters are heading. Lastly, the final aspect of this shot is the actors. The actors in this scene are the main driving force of the ideas. From only this scene the viewer can not tell what the theme is, but the characters give a tone of seriousness which is the whole tone of this scene by their facial expressions.

   For the next scene, this is were the theme comes in to play. This scene is the larger of the two being around 5 minutes and 5 seconds long and carrying most of the story. This scene is very long because it is just an argument between a council and the two characters we were following before. To begin with, on of the main aspects of this scene is the dialogue. All of the characters in this scene talk so elegant and formal, continuing on the seriousness of this event. The two group of people argue about their different views about the next king of that kingdom. The man with the missing fingers gives a small speech about the importance of who is rightful to the throne and this is probably the most important part of the extract. With this being said this is the main reason why I pick rightfulness as one of the two themes of this extract. The next aspect of the themes is the acting. The acting in this scene is great, showing the actual importance of this event. The facial expressions shown by each character dhow their opinion about the subject even though they say otherwise. This once again shows the seriousness.

   With all of this being taken together, I still believe in my previous idea about the writer’s view on this extract. All of the aspects of this scene lead to that idea. In my opinion the theme of this extract is the ideas of Seriousness and Rightfulness

Friday, April 17, 2020

The journeys Epilogue (The final C.C.R)

For this epilogue, It is a continuation of the final project, the movie trailer. For each of the last projects we had to Make a Critical Creative Reflection  (C.C.R.) which was just answering 4 questions. For this time however it was a little different. we had to make a documentary, that said our answers to our questions out loud. Like the other C.C.R.s we had to do this by ourselves. This meant that i had to edit this whole documentary by myself which is the skill is struggled with the most during this course. I however learned a new editing software that i could download of free and got to work. I did end up finishing it with a documentary that is based to sound like a podcast to stand out from the rest. With the C.C.R the main journey is done for this class. but there is still stuff to do.


The Journey's End ( Movie trailer)

  This is the  final official project of the class, which is the movie trailer. For this project, it was not as hard as the last project. This is because our original group finally got back together form the first project. The only hard parts to this project was that it had to be like 2:15 which made filming and pacing hard. I had to write the whole movie, which was my job, and i thought that part was the hardest thing i had to do during the whole course. I got it over with, but it did cost me some late nights. I also had an actual role as an actor in this movie, appearing in more than 1 scene, but i am as bad as ever at acting. I learned even more on editing also.  Since i wrote the movie i also got to co-direct the movie as well, whitch was new for me. Lastly i had to write all of the storyboard, which was a pain

Middle of the Journey ( Music Video )

    To continue on with, The music video is the middle of the journey. In my opinion, the music video was probably the hardest project we had in the class. This is not the fault of the project its self, it was for another reason. The reason was that the work load had doubled. Our group from before split in two making the groups only tow people. that lead me and my group mate to  have extra work compared to before. with that being said, the rest of the project was kind of similar too. before, i improved on the previous skills i learned before but i gained some new ones. With this project we did some camera angles what we never had done before. we did some low, high angles and some pana shots as well for this project. This taught me how to prop the camera correctly for these shots as well. All in all for this part of the journey it taught me some camera skills that i'm glad i learned even though we had to do some extra work.

Beginning of the journey (Commercial)

   During this class , i have learned a lot about the process of making a film, and what is needed to make one. To start off with, the first project we had in this course was our Commercial. We got to do our Commercial on nike. I learned a lot during this project because it was our first on in the class. It was my first time in a long time using a hand held camera besides my phone which made me learn how to use one again. I learned how to use a tripod, and how to angle one too. I learned how to edit export and edit film. I also learned how to edit as well. For that first project i basically learned the basics I really didn't know what i was going to learn when starting that first project, but the stuff i learned, was something not to forget.