Thursday, March 19, 2020

Editing blog: COVID-19's consequences and music/title editing

   This week we had some mishaps that will slow down our project. All public schools in our county were closed because of COVID-19. Many public places like the beach and restaurants have closed too. We will not be going back to school until april 15th. However we will have online school starting the 30th of march. Lucky we had all of our film saved to Paige's computer, not on the school one, so we can work on it during the break. Since we just got film from redoing the shots, we started to edit again. We had done around 5 out of the 6-7 shots on the redo day, but that's not what we worked on adding this week. We mostly worked on just making the stuff we already had in the movie. The stuff we mainly worked on was the music and titles again.
   We decided to just work on the music and titles for this group session. We decided to work on this and not replacing the old footage with the redos for two reasons. One of the reasons was that we had basically fresh eyes when we viewed it because it has been like more than a week since we last edited them, and we had some new ideas that we wanted to implement. The second reason was that we decided that we could just add the redo shots when we are done with the other two shots. we didn't really change that much for the music but one thing. we finally decided keep the ambience that we added a while back. However we dialed the volume of it down, so it didn't drown out the other music we added. For the titles we just had to fix a couple bugs were they would disappear when you would view them, which took under 5 minutes. WIth all of our editing done for the day, the only thing left to do for the project is just the two shots and adding them in to the film. We might have a problem on this matter though, because we might get quarantined were we have to stay inside, so we are hoping that we can do those shots tomorrow on friday.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Refilming: Fixing our mistakes in the alley.

   Yesterday was the day that we finally redid our shots. We all got back together at paige's house to start filming. We had 6 shots that we needed to redo. The shots include Tying/paige coming in to the room, Black room phone call, text from mom, bat clench, walking up behind zeke before the swing, and the last one was when the truck is turning into the alley. On the day that we filmed we had a little amount of time to film with zeke's dad's truck. We had around 30 minutes from the time we started to film and when he had to leave. The first shot we attempted to do was the bat clench. In this shot we changed it a little from the last time. We put  both of the scenes into one were it would of shown the different sides of the bat, and it went smoothly. For the next shot, we did the walking up behind Zeke before the swing. We didn't change that much for this scene because the main problem we had with the first shot was that Elijah and I acting was very bad. For the redo we just had act better, which we did.
   To continue on with, the last shot we did with the truck was the Truck turning tino the alley. We had to redo this one because it was to short. We solved this problem with just making the car slow down a little. With that shot done, we finished all of the truck scenes, and zeke's dad left. The next shot we did was the Phone call in the dark room. In this shot Paige just had to say her line clearer and have a better shot of her face. This redo was also a very easy shot to do, and we were on to the last shot we did that day, and it was the text from mom one. The first shot we got when filming this was bad because you couldn't see the text at all, and Zeke reacted like he got the text before the ding went off. We then redid this shot, concluding the refilming session.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing Blog: more music, titles, and technical difficulties

    This week we continued editing on our movie, working towards our goal of making a perfect movie. This week we worked on our titles, continuing with our editing on music and technical difficulties. On Tuesday we worked on continuing finding the music and some technical difficulties. Continuing on from last time, we still were working on what music to put in. We had changed our minds on the song if found from last week. It really didn't fit in to what we were trying to add to the scenes that it was in so we scraped it. We had another group mate find a piece of music, and they did. When we tried to add the song it messed up parts of our movie. Some scenes just started going black and wouldn't show anything on  them. This mishap costed us around like 50 minutes of time because nothing would solve this problem. We tried every idea on fixing this situation, we almost decided to restart on the whole editing procedure. Then we decided to try searching this problem on the internet. There were some forums that said to just restart the computer, we did that and it work and our movie was finally bug free.

   For thursday, luck was on our side and there was no bugs at all. We mainly worked on the titles but we worked on some of the music too. On the music side we discussed if we should keep one of the music tracks we had on the movie. it was just for ambiance, but we didn't realize that you could hear  some bird chirps, which didn't fit our movie. We decided that we could just add this back, but cut the bird part, but we decided to scrap it for now. Continuing on to the title side, which was probably the easiest part of the week. We already had the titles planned out and what titles were given to each person. We then just simply added them to each scene were they fit, and in order. All of the titles were in Black to contrast off the environment, but two were in white because the shots that they were placed on were very dark. I also got to pick out a font. The font was very bold (which i very like) and modern, which is better than the other very bad preset fonts on imovie. After that we were pretty much done for editing for that week. Me made progress this week, which we were really proud of, and next week we will improve more on our film.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing Blog: Adding Music

   This past week we edited our film a lot. We moved all of our film from Paige’s phone to her computer. We had to do this because when trying to edit it on a phone. it doesn’t allow us to add music and titles, which we mostly needed to work on that week. It also didn’t allow us to transfer the stuff we had already worked on (transitions and cutting footage). This lead to us having to scrap all of the edits we had on paige’s phone and just use the raw footage. This left us with having to start from scratch again. Continuing from scratch we started to add music. we had in the past had Elijah find music, but this didn't work out. The 2 music that Elijah found was just youtube videos, and one of them didn't fit the theme while the other did .
   Elijah and I ended up switching jobs were i was in charge of finding the music. This part was actually kind of difficult because of the criteria. The objectives i had to accomplish where to find 2 different songs for the movie that were not copyrighted. One of the songs was Elijah's that i decided was fit enough to use. this song had an eerie theme, whitch fit for one of our scene. The other song i had to find myself. I had to find a upbeat song that was not copyrighted that would be fit for the scene were Zeke is putting his headphones in. I finally found a song which fit the criteria on youtube. Elijah and I put the Video in a Youtube to Mp3 player website to convert the music into an audio file. We added the music in and we were done for the day. All in all the music we found and what we added to our film will end up making our film a lot better.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Review Blog: no peer reviewer

  This week, our class finally got to start to do peer reviews. My group and I had all of our shots together and edited in i movie. We had to redo it though so we could put it on a Mac, but  that was not that hard of us. for the peer review, we only needed to have all of our shots together and make a cohesive video. it was supposed to be a rough draft, but we added music, titles and some transitions as well.The music we have so far is not the best, but will work for now. the transitions and titles are a little bland, but we will work on them too. Some of the cuts are a little jagged but are fine for now. all in all our film was ready for a peer review.
  When we got to class, we had a sub, but our teacher left instructions for us. On the board their was a paper with the group and their number with the group that they will be reviewing. My group was at all the way at the bottom, number 19, and it said that we were going to review number 20. There was no number 20, so we didn't have to review any one that day. we encounter another mishap on the list, were no one was going to review us. that however was a problem, because we wanted to be actually reviewed by some one with fresh eyes and ideas on our film. However there was another group that could of reveiw our film. That group only had one member and on the list said that they were not reviewing anyone. That would of worked out for us, but that person was not their that day in class . We ended up just going over it as a group together again. We also decided that we were not going to do the redo shots this weekend. Holpefully tomorrow we will be able to be peer reviewed and be able to peer review some one.
this is lit group chat, were we were dividing so music for the film