Sunday, November 29, 2020


This thanksgiving break, me and my group mate started on the preparations for filming. This upcoming weekend me and my group mate are going to film. We are probably going to film on saturday, the 5th of december. But in the mean time my partner and I did our preparations. The first thing i did was the props. I first got an old book. then i found some aged paper, and some sticky notes. I also got the rest of the miscellaneous stuff to put in the box. The next thing I had to do was find the actual box i needed to put those objects. After searching around for a little around my house i came down to 2 options. There's this really old box in my garage that i can use but it is on the verge of breaking. If i put anything in it it will break. My other box is this shoe box, which is styled vintage because the shoe was too, so it can kind of fit the part of being a old box. I could, and probably am going to ruff it up and put some wear and tear on it. So i'm probably picking the second option. The next prop is going to be the shoes, and they are right in my moms closet. The last prop i had to check was my bike. It is in perfect condition so im fine. The next thing i had to do was to make sure all of the locations were fine to film. I went on my bike and went to all the locations that are in my neighborhood. Nothing changed and there was no contractions so that was good as well. After all of that, all of the conditions were met, and were ready to film next weekend.

The box we are going to use looks like this:

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