Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing Blog: more music, titles, and technical difficulties

    This week we continued editing on our movie, working towards our goal of making a perfect movie. This week we worked on our titles, continuing with our editing on music and technical difficulties. On Tuesday we worked on continuing finding the music and some technical difficulties. Continuing on from last time, we still were working on what music to put in. We had changed our minds on the song if found from last week. It really didn't fit in to what we were trying to add to the scenes that it was in so we scraped it. We had another group mate find a piece of music, and they did. When we tried to add the song it messed up parts of our movie. Some scenes just started going black and wouldn't show anything on  them. This mishap costed us around like 50 minutes of time because nothing would solve this problem. We tried every idea on fixing this situation, we almost decided to restart on the whole editing procedure. Then we decided to try searching this problem on the internet. There were some forums that said to just restart the computer, we did that and it work and our movie was finally bug free.

   For thursday, luck was on our side and there was no bugs at all. We mainly worked on the titles but we worked on some of the music too. On the music side we discussed if we should keep one of the music tracks we had on the movie. it was just for ambiance, but we didn't realize that you could hear  some bird chirps, which didn't fit our movie. We decided that we could just add this back, but cut the bird part, but we decided to scrap it for now. Continuing on to the title side, which was probably the easiest part of the week. We already had the titles planned out and what titles were given to each person. We then just simply added them to each scene were they fit, and in order. All of the titles were in Black to contrast off the environment, but two were in white because the shots that they were placed on were very dark. I also got to pick out a font. The font was very bold (which i very like) and modern, which is better than the other very bad preset fonts on imovie. After that we were pretty much done for editing for that week. Me made progress this week, which we were really proud of, and next week we will improve more on our film.

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