Monday, January 27, 2020

Genre research (IT chapter 2)

Cams- The camera angles, movements, and shots in this film were put together in order to fill a sense of fear of thrill into the viewers eyes. After watching this movie, some of the camera angles I noticed to appear more frequently then others include Eye levels, low angle, and the extreme close up. All of the angles listed were used to make the monsters in the movie look a certain way. Either bigger, smaller, or like it's right in front of you. The camera movements in this seemed to all be very repetitive. I saw zooms, tilts, and a few dolly's. For the camera shots. medium close ups, long shots, and aerial shots were all used.

Editing: Being that this movies story was dated 27 years after the first one, multiple flashbacks and inserts were used to remember the characters past selves. Cross cutting was also used a lot when each character was going through something eventful at different places but at the same time. All the edits came together when focusing on each character then and now.

Sound- Throughout the entire movie, sounds were used to create suspense and thrill in order to keep the viewer engaged. When the movie pace was slow and calm, the music matched. It was the same way for when the movie got more intense. The only time I noticed that there was no sound at all was right before something would jump out at you. Right after the jump, the thrilling music would start right back up again.

Elements: All thriller/horror movies are built around what mood they want to give a viewer. Usually feelings of suspense and fear are aimed for when putting together movies like these. They keep the watchers engaged at all times and there usually aren't a lot of dull moments. Sounds, costumes, good acting, etc come together to get to this emotional target within viewers.

What I liked: In this movie, I noticed that it was very rare when dull or slow moments would take place. I really enjoyed the fast pace action throughout the kept me engaged and interested the entire time. The acting and story line was very good and it had me scared.

What I didn't like: While the story was good, I feel that some of the scenes in this movie were all over the place and really random. I understand the reasoning behind the stranger things in the film but it's almost like they were to strange. Almost laughable.

C.L.A.M.P.S in the movie

Costumes: The costumes of some of the characters and monsters really made up this film. They were well put together and looked really realistic. The protagonists of the movie wore normal clothes that wore as the fight went on. All the antagonists costumes like I said were very realistic and made them play their intended character very well. Depending on which monster, some wore clothing that made them seem very old and dead while others were worn to make their makeup pop. The main antagonist wore a clown suit being that he is a clown.

Lighting: Depending on where the scene was taking place, the lighting varied. In places like the caves and tunnels, the lighting was very dark but just light enough too see the characters. In other parts, there was no light at all like right before something was going to jump out at us. Flashing lights were also used during the main battle between the protagonists and antagonists.

Acting: The acting was very dramatic and gave viewers the idea that they were generally scared for their lives or extremely angry. Jay Ryan, Stephen King, and Andy Bean were only just some of the actors that made this film great.

Makeup: Makeup was used frequently during the film to make a character look a certain way or give them a certain feature. Being that this was a horror film, blood was used on the regular either on the character or other places. A lot of makeup was used on the monsters making them look dead, like a clown, or even just scary. Some of the main actors used makeup as well in order to make them look, bruised, cut, or burned.

Props: Props were very big in this movie because there really wasn't a scene without them. Some of the props were weapons or body parts and other random objects used for scenery or as part of the story. Some examples I saw include, books, arms, fireplace tools, boulders, and so much more. Most of them served a specific purpose either for the characters or just for the films story.

Setting: There were multiple settings for this film that all played an important role. They all were part of building the story that the characters go through before the end. The movie started in a fair, then in different towns, libraries, offices, dark caves, and scary houses. They all played a specific part of giving the characters a specific location that matched the story of the movie.

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